Part 3: Using Your Numbers to Manage Metabolic Syndrome

Updated: 12/13/2021

When my patients come to me with metabolic syndrome, every one of them has a different goal. For example, one person may need to focus on improving their blood sugar and lower their cholesterol, but they don’t have high blood pressure. Another may have just been diagnosed with type 2 diabetes and also has high blood pressure, but they may not have high cholesterol. What makes my program work for my patients is that I personalize it to them to help them achieve their goals long-term. What is that program I’m referring to? The MEDication Freedom Method. This 5-month structured program is designed to help adults lose weight, manage blood sugar, and improve heart health so they can reduce their need for medication. Part 3 of this series is going to help you get a jumpstart on improving those numbers.

Before we go any further, be sure to check out part 1 and part 2 of this series and then come back for part 3 (it will make more sense anyway).

In part 2, you suspected you have metabolic syndrome or were diagnosed by your doctor based on your numbers. So what is next? Now we start working on improving those numbers. Let’s break it down.

Waist circumference

If you determined you have a large waist circumference, the best way to get that down is with nutrition and exercise. The MEDication Freedom Method covers both of these topics in depth over 10 visits and focuses on consistency with building these healthy habits towards the end to keep your waist circumference down for good.

High blood sugar

Did your doctor say you have pre-diabetes? Or maybe you have type 2 diabetes and blood sugar is just out of control? The MEDication Freedom Method incorporates a reduced carbohydrate diet (no we are not doing Keto here) to help you reduce your blood sugar so you can take less medication.

Low HDL and/or high triglycerides

Did your recent lab results come back with a low HDL and/or high triglyceride level? To get your HDL back up, the best method is through a consistent exercise routine. Increasing omega-3s can also help improve your HDL number. To lower your triglycerides, this type of fat is more sensitive to added sugars and alcohol. I go over both of these topics in The MEDication Freedom Method as well with an emphasis on improving the quality of the diet through an anti-inflammatory, Mediterranean approach.

High blood pressure

Is your blood pressure consistently over 130/85 mmHg? There are many factors that can help lower it between nutrition and exercise. You may have been told to lower your sodium intake, but in fact, this is not true for everyone. Increasing fruits and vegetables in your diet can improve your blood pressure too. And you guessed it, I cover this in The MEDication Freedom Method too.

Seems like a lot to work on doesn’t it? That’s why I’ve broken this program up into 10 visits that are scheduled out every 2 weeks. Remember, changes don’t happen overnight.

Ready to get started and make lasting changes for your health? Book a free 15-minute discovery call and we can discuss how this program could work for you.

One more thing…

There’s no such thing as the perfect lifestyle as each person has specific needs. We all have those days where we don’t want to eat healthy or not exercise and that’s ok! The important thing to remember is to do the best that you can most days of the week to better your health.