Take Care of Your Mental Health With Exercise

Exercise is crucial to our mental health. Physical activity can help promote blood flow to our brains helping to increase our mental alertness and overall mood. One study shows exercise may improve depressive symptoms just as well a common antidepressant medication called sertraline.

So just how much exercise is enough? The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends at least 150 minutes of moderate exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise per week. Aerobic exercise can include jogging/running/walking, elliptical, swimming, or dancing. In addition to cardio, the AHA recommends moderate to high-intensity strength training at least 2 days per week for additional health benefits.

Not sure where to start? Try walking for 20 minutes at least 3 days per week and gradually increase from there. Make sure you have everything you need to get started:

  • Appropriate walking shoes
  • Activewear/comfortable clothing to move in
  • Clearance from your physician to exercise if you have a heart condition

Don’t forget to stretch before and after your workout! Keeping flexible can help prevent injuries as you increase your exercise regimen. Try doing yoga to gain flexibility and improve your mental health by decreasing stress.